We had a singularly unique experience at a wedding we recently attended. While at the reception, which was in a lovely outdoor area, Emma noticed two racoons on the premises. Not just near the premises, but on the premises. Lurking. We were soon to discover their plot.
After a few hours of eating and visiting, darkness fell upon us. Being rather tired, poor Emma tripped on the patio, making quite a face-plant onto a hard surface. Screaming and blood quickly followed, of course. Daddy runs to the rescue, while mommy hurries to get ice and napkins. Plenty of soothing and nursing is taking place as we evaluate the fat lip and try to distract the injured patient.
The distracting part soon proves to be easy, as Emma suddenly announces in a matter-of-fact voice, "Daddy, the racoons are eating your wedding cake." Sure enough, they were.
Garfield had set his plate down on a nearby chair in all the commotion. Not two minutes later, the brave and markedly obese racoons moved in to finish off his cake. On a chair. Using their paws in a very polite way, as though they eat wedding cake every weekend. Come to think of it, they probably do.
I think this was a calculated "accident". It's perfect, really. Racoon #1 creates a diversion by tripping little girls, while Racoon #2 secures the booty. They share the loot, contemplating whether strawberry or apple filling is the better choice for a white butter cake. With several weddings per weekend, they're pros.
Now if they'll only take their masks off so we can properly identify them...
Oh, as sad as this is about Emma falling, it is a pretty cute story!
I can't wait to see y'all!
You are an excellent writer, my friend.
My parents had a mother and 2 baby raccoons that came up on the deck to eat cat food every night last year. I think Mom finally talked the babies into taking cookies from her hand.
I know they can be pests, but anything with that level of cuteness can sure get away with a lot, ya know?
Thanks, Chelsea. And yes, their cuteness covered a multitude of sins for both the injured and the hungry...
I think Emma handled herself pretty well. After all, princesses do NOT like to be upstaged by someone else's drama.
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