Saturday, October 11, 2008

Walk for Life

Next Saturday, our family will be participating in a Walk for Life to support the local Agape Pregnancy Help Center. It is a Christian organization that serves to minister to women who are considering an abortion through counseling, sonograms, provision of baby items, and more. They also provide post-abortion conseling for the women who are dealing with the trauma of this decision.

We are proud to support them, and will be walking two miles to raise money towards the Center. Even our kids will be part of it, with nice views from the strollers.

If you'd like to give any amount of money towards sponsoring our family, we'd greatly appreciate it! Our goal is to raise at least $200, and so far we're at $120. It's a set pledge, rather than a per mile donation. Please let me know in the comments section, or via email, if you're interested in supporting the Agape Center. Hopefully I can post pictures in about a week!


Candace/Chloe said...

Thank you, Stephanie, so posting this!

the mccann clan said...

Whoa! I saw something about you on Candace's blog - is this common knowledge? (I hope so!) Congrats! So many in June!!! :)