Today is my mother's birthday, and though she is away on a much-needed vacation with my father in the lovely Mexican Carribean, I'll post this for her to come home to.
A few of the things that I love and admire about my mom, in no particular order:
10. She's never met a stranger. She can form immediate friendships with the person in front of her in line, or the man who sold her a watermelon. I've heard the life struggles of many a people who my mom has met, befriended, and proceeded to counsel.
9. She's a hard, hard worker. No amount of back-breaking yardwork or furniture-relocating can keep her from accomplishing her goals.
8. She's a devoted mother. My brother and I have each put her through a fair share of trials and disappointments, and never has she lost hope in us or stopped loving us.
7. She's a devoted wife. Never has she threatened to forsake her wedding vows.
6. She's the ultimate bargain-finder. No, really. She can't be topped. Have you ever known anyone who can find $900 quilts for $10 at a flea market? She does this type of thing on a regular basis. (I think part of this is due to #10--the flea market workers all know and love her.)
5. She's a wonderful grandmother. Emma always knows who to ask when she wants to be taken for a stroll outside.
4. She stayed home with us. Even though she had me when she was shortly into marriage, she was willing to sacrifice her teaching career to be a full-time mom. This is priceless.
3. She's very resourceful. We've seen hard times, and rather than despair, she forged ahead and found ways to make things work, when no one else could have. I tease her about conveniently taking her walks on trash days, but she finds real treasures that were heading for the dump.
2. She bakes the best pies. Especially apple. From scratch. With her eyes closed, and one hand tied behind her back. Without looking at the recipe.
1. She endured pregnancy and childbirth to deliver me into this world. I think every mom deserves to be thanked for that.
"Her children rise up and call her blessed." Prov. 31:28a
1 comment:
Yeah!!! Happy Birthday Mommy! Hope you have a wonderful day! Love, Sarah
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