And how could they have been otherwise? College was sort of an extension of childhood for me. It was a safe way to leave home. With my family only six hours away, and everything taken care of for me, I felt very secure. It was hard not to make girlfriends---the place was lousy with them, for Pete's sake! (Although I know the dear friends I made were blessings directly from God.) I was there on full academic scholarship, so (unfortunately) I didn't even feel the pressure to make perfect grades. On a daily basis, I was surrounded with opportunities for activities, interaction, entertainment, involvement, and for lack of a better word, fun. The campus was gorgeous, with beautiful architecture, perfectly groomed lawns, and even friendly wildlife. Sound like an idyllic life? Yep, it was.
On top of all that, the summer between my freshman and sophomore year was when Garfield and I began courting. So compound perfect circumstances, little responsibility, and newfound independence with the euphoria of falling in love, and it's easy to see how a girl could be flyin' high.
Ahhh, Baylor. I do miss those days. It was a sweet season, and one that shaped my life forever.

Surrounded by some of the nicest Bears I know: Sarah, Giselle, Jen, and Katie, at BU Homecoming last October.
Stephanie - That was so sweet and articulated so well. I feel the same way. Here's to you fellow Baylor Bear!! And Happy Mother's Day! Love, Sarah Klein Meche
Oh Stephanie, it is so good to hear about your wonderful college experience. It helps me to remember to cherish every piece of mine. I can't believe it's already half-way over. I'm so glad you had such a great time at Baylor!
You're so young!
Woot-nice to see we have the same taste in templates-hehe. Glad to read over some of this and the pictures are wonderful!!
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