Friday, September 15, 2006

Hmmm...where to start

I've been quite absent lately from the blogosphere, but it's neither for lack of action around here, or lack of desire to keep people updated. Actually, as my dear husband knows all too well, when I get overwhelmed I do the worst thing possible: I stop dead in my tracks, paralyzed. If a task seems too daunting, or a situation too much to process, I tend to just freeze and do nothing. Yes, I know, if I did ANYTHING it would be way more productive. I realize that, and I've been slowly working on the issue for years. But I think I've been a little overwhelmed by our life lately, so I'm going around in circles trying to make improvements here and there.

The biggest events have been a combination of baby Garfield's first birthday celebrations, mixed in with weeks of house repairs, mixed in with major "nesting" projects that seemed to all get underway at once. Oh, and Garfield went back on his own on Monday with Texas Greenscapes, as the merger we'd taken part in wasn't as much of a match as we'd hoped. And MOPS started again, which is a big deal when you're on the Steering Committee. And we've been obsessed with Dave Ramsey and his Total Money Makeover/Debt Snowball. And we finally took the plunge and started E-baying. And I've sorted through, oh, maybe 10 big bins of childrens' clothes, trying to get moderately organized before the baby arrives. And our downstairs floors are about to be ripped up and replaced. I could go on, but I don't want to bore you any more than I already have. It's all just life, really, but it seems like life has been a little, well, fuller lately.

So there you have it. I suppose rather than elaborating on all these events, I'll post some pictures of Garfield's birthday and Emma's first day back at MOPS.


Krista said...

I love you Stephanie! And it's okay that you don't want to post! I feel overwhelmed sometimes too and I totally understand. I think we all cope with it differently- when I get overwhelmed I usually become a huge sissy and start to cry, a lot. Don't worry! It WILL get better.

If you ever need anyone to talk to I am always here! I'll be praying for you! Love you :)

Kim said...

I do the same thing! It doesn't help of course because then I'm MORE overwhelmed at everything that now mounting up. I truly appreciate Ryan's help when I get like that, but that just makes me feel worse because I'm not doing my 'job'. It's an endless, less than productive cycle!

I'm so glad you're starting your debt snowball! We're 12 days away from being debt free! If you have time you should listen to the radio show. You can stream it over the internet at or you can get it on the radio on 550 AM. It's M-F from 1-4

thecolonelswife said...

Hey, Stephanie, I was wondering what had happened - I missed hearing about your life and pics of the kids.

Honestly, I have to hand it to all moms/wives out there who even find time to read on the internet, let alone post! We watched my husbands best friends kids (ages 3, 2, and 10 mo) this Friday afternoon until Sunday AM and I was continually busy - especially when we took the kids to a birthday party at 5pm! Now that was an adventure!

We totally loved every minute of it and cherish every minute of the memories we made with the kids. But I congratulated myself on just getting a load of laundry and the dishes done! So my hats off to all you moms out there!!

thecolonelswife said...

Hey, Stephanie, I was wondering what had happened - I missed hearing about your life and pics of the kids.

Honestly, I have to hand it to all moms/wives out there who even find time to read on the internet, let alone post! We watched my husbands best friends kids (ages 3, 2, and 10 mo) this Friday afternoon until Sunday AM and I was continually busy - especially when we took the kids to a birthday party at 5pm! Now that was an adventure!

We totally loved every minute of it and cherish every minute of the memories we made with the kids. But I congratulated myself on just getting a load of laundry and the dishes done! So my hats off to all you moms out there!!

Cathryn said...

Oh my gosh, Stephanie, I am more and more convinced that you and I were somehow seperated at birth. I do the same thing! Now if only someone could find us a cure...