Friday, November 30, 2007

Nothing too egg-citing

Recently I've been disturbed and alarmed by the rate at which our family is going through eggs: about a dozen every 24 hours! This is a new development for me, and I'm trying to convince myself that it has mostly to do with all the extra baking that's been going on. But is that really it? I mean, I guess it makes sense, since just the kids and I eat 7 at once if we're scrambling them. Nine or ten if Daddy's eating with us. But still, it just made me realize we really are a growing family.

I long ago gave up on just getting a dozen per week. Those ran out way too fast, so I've been getting 1 1/2 dozen for years now. But we're flying through those, so I gave in this past grocery run and bought the BIG three dozen pack. We'll see. Perhaps I'd be better off just investing in some chickens.

It doesn't help that we're a bit cooped up here. I don't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers, but honestly, it's enought to make someone just crack. And that's no yolk! Not that things aren't eggcellent, it's just that the kids tend to establish a pecking order. And then every time I fowl up, they start to cower in the corner like little chickens. I have the best-laid plans, but sometimes it comes down to the wire. That's what it boils down to. Maybe I'm bocking up the wrong tree? But do you ever feel hen-pecked? Now I'm making myself cackle. And I've barely scratched the surface! I'm scrambling for more, but my brain is fried, and I'm beat.


Hofwoman said...

LOL you are hilarious! You had me cracking up! ;)

Tami said...

You are either bored, or need to get out of the house for a little while! :-) Seriously though, you're very funny!

And if it makes you feel any better, we go through 3-4 dozen eggs a week, and we usually eat scrambled only once a week! The rest is for baking, other recipes, french toast, etc. If I had a second refrigerator, I'd buy the BIG pack of eggs at Sams - I think it it 15 dozen. That should get us through a month. :-)

Shelley Roberts said...

I'm afraid you've completely lost it!! What is it? Mad chicken disease? No more eggs for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness gracious! That was hilarious!

Chef Mama Lori said...

What an eggciting post! Best of cluck on slowing down the consumption. You are eggstreme egg eaters. Remember to keep your face sunny side up during this time. Don't let it get you boiling mad. Soon enough you will have empty nest syndrome.

Seriously (ha, as if you & I can be serious when it comes to EGGS!) there is an egg outlet on Thousand Oaks that sells eggs by the dozen for 69 cents! They aren't pretty eggs (they are definitely "farm fresh," ahem), but they work just fine.

Did you have tears rolling down your face as you typed & were you hyperventilating from the laughter? I think since you are such a young chick, you need an old mother hen to talk egg with you. Pick me! Pick me!

Denise Therese said...

LOL!!! I wish I had your wit.

Stephanie said...

Sweet Denise~

Thank you! You ARE witty, my dear. You just use your wit in far more productive ways, I'm sure. ;)

Unknown said...

We got thru 2 dozen at one time and that is just for the kids to eat. If Cedric and I were eating it would another 9 at least.

Denise Therese said...


Thank you. :)

soupablog said...

cute post, stephanie :)